Paul J. Scariano, Inc.

A35305Repairs at Three Stations on the Jamaica Line (JV with Gramercy)$125,000,000MTA-NYCTACurrent
KENS-EAST-2Kensico-Eastview Connection, Kensico Site Preparation (JV with Montesano)$107,000,000NYC DEPCurrent
Multiple ContractsWTC Memorial Facility Development Program – 9 phases including: Streets 1-4, Streets 6, Liberty Park, WTC Flood Mitigation, Structure to Grade and WBVA$106,000,000PANY & NJ c/o TISHMAN CONSTCurrent
BW-96/VN-12Design-Build Services for Power Redundancy and Flood Mitigation at BWB and VNB (JV with Hellman)$78,000,000MTA-TBTACurrent
CM-030Grand Central Madison – Passenger Experience & Retail Enhancement$55,000,000MTA-NYCTA01/2023
HWK2013GBReconstruction of Gerristen Beach$26,000,000NYC DDC03/2023
A-37123Installation of ADA Elevators Greenpoint Station$22,462,000MTA-NYCTA03/2021
2755609999_CR53Queens College Armstrong Museum$19,900,000DASNY09/2023
D264511Safety Improvements on Long Island Expressway$19,654,321NYS DOTCurrent
RK-75 RFK BridgeRk-75 RFK Bridge$19,559,000MTA-TBTA10/2020
HH88AAdmin & Maintenance Bldg Utilities & MEP Rehab at Henry Hudson Bridge$19,251,000MTA-TBTA03/2017
A-37110Bedford Park ADA Upgrade$17,591,000MTA-NYCTA11/2020
106733Hartsdale, Scarsdale, and Purdy Station Improvements$15,584,946MTA MNR11/2023
M005-117MBattery Park Playground (Battery Playscape)$14,923,000NYC PARKS AND RECREATION12/2021
BG-815M5 Comfort Stations Construction in Various Parks$14,736,000NYC PARKS AND RECREATION12/2019
D264024Bridge Maintenance Repairs$12,833,203NYSDOT01/2022
BBP 150622Brooklyn Bridge Park Maintenance and Operations and Boathouse Buildings$11,752,000BROOKLYN BRIDGE PARK CORP.12/2018
A-36041F & I Three ADA Elevators at The Kingsbridge Road Station. Rehabilitation of Existing Station$11,258,000MTA-NYCTA12/2015
BP-694.504APier 12 – Installation of Shore Power and Service Substations$10,806,000PANY&NJ12/2014
HBCR16Rehabilitation of 7 Bridges Throughout NYC$10,782,790NYCDOTCurrent
FEMA 4085 DR-NY 04540Coler Hospital – Electrical Upgrades$10,743,000NYC HEALTH & HOSPITAL CORP09/2018
A-37202Component Repair at Various Stations on IRT Line$10,557,000MTA-NYCTA09/2020
A-37685Union Square Circulation Improvements$10,451,700MTA-NYCTA09/2020
A-36908Component Repairs at 3 Stations$10,270,000MTA-NYCTA12/2016
4380014Site Development Bush Terminal Park Substation, Utilities, Comfort Station, Paths, Lights, Ball Fields$9,501,000NYC EDC12/2014

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